Welcome to Brandeis Conejo Valley - Study Group Feature page

INTRODUCING....our men's Study Group
"Out of the Box"

In our study group we discuss moral and ethical issues using critical thinking techniques. For example, "Is spanking children ever justified?" If so, when is it ok?

In a disaster situation who should be saved first? Is it up to the survivors of a disaster to save the rest? To what extent? Our discussions are based on facts and/or logic instead of emotions. Novel, unique solutions to problems or issues are encouraged as is researching divergent points of view. As each member shares their information and experiences we all gain more understanding of multifaceted issues and learn to be open to new concepts and ways of thinking.

In other words, we try to think, OUTSIDE THE BOX.

Frank Phillips, Study Group leader

"Bits N' Pieces"

Several months ago Judy Perlman had us share our favorite poems. When it was my turn to host I decided to piggyback on her idea by teaching five types of poems, have our members write one or two poems with the Covid 19 theme, if they chose, and present them to the group. With their consent, I would like to share some with you.

ALLITERATION: Using the same beginning letter for every major word in the sentence.

Carol carefully cooks chicken casseroles, carrots, cereal, chocolate candies, cookies, cakes, and other confections and concoctions. (Carol Smith)

Corona causes catastrophic catastrophes. (Frona DeCovnick)

HAIKU: An unrhymed Japanese poem of three lines containing five, seven, five syllables, respectively.

Blue skies exist now
I stay in my home again
Can we ever hug? (Judy Perlman)

My family is
All to me forever and
Will always be true. (Elaine Leff)

I love to watch waves
The sound is so soothing too
Rolling in and out. (Bonnie Ray)

Covid infiltrates
Society and causes
Life altering change (Frona DeCovnick)

NAME POEM: Each letter of a person's name is used as the initial letter for one line of the poem.

Loves to be out and about
Interested in doing so many things
Needs to have a manicure, pedicure, and haircut
Doesn't like being stuck in the house
Always is loyal and loving to her friends and family (Linda Beecher)

Eager to learn, try, and do
Love for family
Elation (Elaine Leff)

QUATRAIN: four-line poems that may follow any one of four different rhyme patterns (AABB, ABAB, ABBA, ABCB)

Fear, denial, masks and gloves
Oh, for the days we followed the doves
How I wish to shop and eat
Never thought it would be such a feat. (Jessie Pearlman AABB)

I wonder if this scary stuff will ever end
When will I play with my grandkids again?
To see them run and smile
Would be super for awhile! (Doris Goldberg AABB)

The things we do is ZooM
As we join together in a "room"
It isn't the old Brandeis
But it has to suffice (Judy Perlman AABB)